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  • 100 najbardziej zaludnionych miast w Europie w 1854 roku

    100 najbardziej zaludnionych miast w Europie w 1854 roku –  Population of 100 of the Principal European Cities.Cities.Pop.Cities.Pop.1. London, England............ 2,363,1412. Paris, France.51. Seville, Spain.......85,0001,053,26252. Messina, Italy.84,0003. Constantinople, Turkey... 786,99053. Nantes, France83,0004. St. Petersburg, Russia....5. Vienna, Austria478,43754. Oporto, Portugal..80,000477,84655. Leghorn, Italy80,0006. Berlin, Prussia441,93156. Dundee, Scotland..79,0007. Naples, Italy8. Liverpool, England...416,675 57. Odessa, Russia384,263 58. Liege, Belgium78,00078,0009. Glasgow, Scotland.367,80010. Moscow, Russia350,00059. Lemberg, Austria..60. Bologna, Italy.75,00075,00011. Manchester, England..296,00061. Salonica, Turkey,75,00012. Madrid, Spain260,000 62. Portsmouth, England.3.73,00013. Dublin, Ireland..254,85063. Aberdeen, Scotland72.00014. Lyons, France.....249,32564. Toulouse, France72,00015. Birmingham, England....240,00065. Riga, Russia71,00016. Lisbon, Portugal.241,50066. Valencia, Spain.71,00017. Amsterdam, Netherlands228,80067. Trieste, Austria...71,00018. Marseilles, France195,257 68. Granada, Spain......70,00019. Palermo, Italy.180,00020. Rome, Italy21. Warsaw, Russia69. Konigsberg, Prussia...... 70,000172,382 70. Lille, France.......162,597 71. The Hague, Netherlands 66,00068,00022. Leeds, England.23. Milan, Italy..24. Hamburg, Germany152,00072. Malaga, Spain66,000151,43873. Leipsic, Germany.......... 65,000148,754 74. Debretzin, Austria.63,00025. Brussels, Belgium.136,208 75. Bucharest, Turkey61,00026. Turin, Italy135,000 76. Leicester, England.66,00027. Copenhagen, Denmark....133,14077. Padua, Italy...60,00028. Venice, Italy.126,76878. Bath, England58,00029. Pesth and Buda, Austria.125,00079. Dantzic, Prussia58,00030. Prague, Austria.......124,18180. Frankfort, Germany.....58,00031. Bordeaux, France120,00081. Kazan, Russia.57,000120,00082. Magdeburg, Prussia57,000120,000 83. Limerick, Ireland....55,000115,00084. Cadiz, Spain.54,000106,776 85. Catania, Italy..54,00053,00082, Barcelona, Spain...33. Genoa, Italy..34. Bristol, England....35. Ghent, Belgium36. Munich, Germany37. Breslau, Prussia38. Sheffield, England....39. Florence, Italy.....40. Plymouth, England....41. Rouen, France...........42. Adrianople, Turkey43. Belfast, Ireland....44. Cologne, Prussla........45. Dresden, Germany..........46. Stockholm, Sweden ........47. Rotterdam, Netherlands..48. Antwerp, Belgium......49. Newcastle, England50. Cork, Ireland112,410 86. Cronstadt, Russia104,000 87. Bremen, Germany......... 53,000104,000 88. Strasburg, France... .....52,000102,154 89. Gratz, Austria102,00090. Sophia, Turkey.50,00050,000100,265 91. Paisley, Scotland........... 48,000WA100,000 92. Verona, Italy.....48,00099,660 93. Utrecht, Netherlands 45,00092,244 94. Parma, Italy.............. 41,00091,277 95. Saragossa, Spain.......... 40,00090,823 96. Stuttgard, Wirtemberg.. 29,00090,000 97. Athens, Greece........ 28,00089,000 98. Geneva, Switzerland.. 25,00089,000 99. Lubec, Germany........... 25,00086,000 100. Basle, Switzerland......24,000
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