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  • Statystyka ekranowych zgonów Sean Beana

     –  Caravaggio1986Throat cutWar Requiem1989Shot in the handand bayonettedOh My God!They KilledSean Bean!Cataloguing the many on-screendeaths of the ill-fated son of SheffieldTell Me ThatYou Love Me1991Self inflictedstabbingThe Field1990Chased off acliff by aherd ofcowsClarissa1991Stabbedwith arapierLornaDoone1990Drowned Ina mireScarlett1994StabbedPatriot Games1992Impaled on aboat anchorBlown upGoldenEye1995Crushed bya burningantennaThe Lord of theRings: Fellowshipof the Ring2001Shot with arrowsDon't Saya Word2001BuriedaliveFar North2007Frozen,whilenakedHenry VIII2003Hung bychainsBlack Death2010Quartered by horses.while suffering fromthe plagueThe Island2005Shot throughthe neck with agrappling hookand hungGame ofThrones2011BeheadedShot on FilmSean's preferred manner of demise byfar is through successfully catchingbullets with various parts of his body333333Airborne1998ShotRed RidingThe Year ofOur Lord, 1973Essex Boys 20082000ShotShotDeath Race 2Equilibrium 20102002ShotShotThe Hitcher Cash2007ShotOutlaw2007Shot2010ShotAge of
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